Carmen Rasmusen
Leisure Manager Student
Personal Development
Understanding yourself is a process of going through many milestones in life. You are constantly developing your personality and your personal qualities define your personal characteristics. Finding out who you are and what you are becoming is something only you can discover on your own, in deed receiving feedback from others will help you to become better and achieve your goals you are willing to reach out to. But first, knowing what your strengths and weaknesses are, can give your a clearer image of yourself.
First of all, creativity plays a great role when speaking of one of my major qualities. It is important for me to be creative in any kind of way, as it has a lot to do with my personality. Creativity brings out your imagination, it is a kind of art that you can demonstrate, not just by drawing a picture. But also when speaking about solving probems. In deed, my individual role in the team is using my creativity. I use my creativity a lot, especially as a member of Broeikas Events. We get together to brainstorm all possible things to give our visitors more than just music. We want to create the experience everytime we create an event and most of all we want to create new and different concepts for each event held. My part of the organization was to come up with concepts that connect the visitors together and make it more vibrant and lively. Show that the visitors who come to these parties, do share the same interest in the taste of music and make them feel welcome, in fact that there should be one whole group at the end of the evening. Which we achieve together in the end of the evening, you can see how people change when they first arrive to how they act in the end. We are allowed to let our imagination run for any concepts we want to fulfill, if it is a game provided by us or bring in a random dance session into the evening. People enjoy seeing different things at a party and will therefore remember it.
Secondly, another quality that is significantly noticeble with my personality is that I care about people and want to help if it is needed. I am somebody who will automaticaly help and support someone who is in need and those who also ask. I believe that when you help people you help yourself too, by means doing a good deed for others boosts my self-respect and makes me feel satisfied that comes from giving. Therefore you set a positive and powerful tone for the day. Friends ask me frequently to help them with things, an example I used to work for a friend and now he came back to me to help with with the whole set up with decoration and would like some inspiration and creativity to give his indoor festival a whole unique identity. Of course, in exchange I get put on the guest list but I am glad to help out and to be the person who is wanted for this tasks.
Thirdly, I am easy going, which means I am relaxed and tolerant. I prefer to keep things simple and I just go with the flow most of times. This is a strength but I sometimes see it as a weakness of mine too, because I might be a little too laid back. In group works, if people want to carry out a certain task that I would have preferred to do I will let them do it because they really want to, whereas I then do other tasks that I am not so willing to undertake. This can be a good as well as a bad thing to have as a quality.
Discovering your weaknesses is in fact harder to realize. However, mentioned before, sometimes I feel that I am too laid back and that this effects may effect my working attitude towards others. Knowing that they know that I cannot be annoyed very fast can be an issue. Then people might not take me serious when I want them to take me serious. This is an issue that I encounter a couple of times and I am working on showing a relaxed attitude but still trying to deal assignements and duties professionally.
I tend to get really nervous when I need to speak up loud in front of many people, like holding presentations I find very difficult to handle. I prefer that other people do this task for me because I feel that I am too nervous and that I will fail. This nervous is something I cannot control and it influences many decision that I would like to take responsible of but cannot because of being nervous.
Another weak aspect of my qualities is that I get easily distracted by anything, even in the most busiest weeks I find so many things to do besides what I should be doing. If I have a deadline, I will keep to it, but that means I will work late into the night if I have to. When someone needs me then I will make time for that person instead of completing my deadlines first. I am not trying to change this by setting internal deadlines, so that I do no have to do everything last minute.
To see more of my core qualities >>
Major achievements
The past two years I've achieved quiet a lot. I am constantly developing myself as a young professional. I used to be really shy when opening up to other or sharing my ideas and this has completely changed the past two years, because I've now learnt that if you want to actively participate in any group you need to share your thoughts, solutions and ideas. I learnt this during Broeikas meetings when we brainstorm. Also the fact that I am part of such an organization is part of becoming a young professional. I gain a lot of experience working with them and I believe that this is one of my major achievements to be a member and to help them organize great parties and create memorable experiences for our visitors, especially when we celebrated the one year anniversary. The whole stress we all went through just to create a unique evening. And now people still talk about it, this is not just my major achievement but it belongs to all of us who were part of it.
Another major achievement was to be the secretary of the second year International leisure management committee. Taking care of the whole communication between the lecturers, students and others was part of a big learning process. Dealing daily emails and communicating going in and out of the group was of invaluable experience for me. I have learnt a lot through this organization that I count it in as one of my major achievements.